Litter. Rubbish. It's disgusting. There must be something we can do to stop our beautiful Country from being dumped on by our citizens!
What is it about Irish people (not all, of course but a hefty minority) that they feel it is okay to destroy our roadsides, beaches, parks, streets with their dumped rubbish?
There are fly-tippers - those brazen, selfish - and yes, stupid - people who drive around in the dark of night waiting until there is no other car in sight so that they can horse a bag of rubbish out the door or window. There are casual litters, who throw papers out windows or drop them as they walk. There are rubbish families who think it's okay to leave nappies at the beach. There are teenagers who think it's cool to spit out your gum wherever you happen to be hanging out. There are dog walkers who see it as acceptable to leave dog faeces in parks and on paths.
What kind of a nation are we? Why do we do these things? Why won't we stop? We will whine til the end of time about things that we can't control and yet we continue to drop and to accept the dropping of litter, which is ruining our country! Take a walk or drive down any road, street, boreen, town, village or city in Ireland and just observe the litter. Now with the road verges cut and the new spring growth not yet in evidence the real scale of the problem is visible for one and all.
What kind of people do this? On what planet is this acceptable behaviour? None. What can we do? How can we make a substantial difference in a short time - because that is what we need to do?
The clean up of dumping and littering has cost this country dearly - and yet, some of the same people who are giving out about the billions going down the Anglo toilet are the cause of this particular cost to the nation. When are we going to stop tolerating it? The sooner the better I say.
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